We offer our employees excellent working conditions and outstanding career opportunities including:
That is why we were awarded the title of ‘Excellent Employer’ by the Steuerberaterverband Schleswig-Holstein e. V (Association of Tax Consultants).
As a corporate and tax consultancy Betriebs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft we know not only from our own organisation that there is more to achieving success than balance sheets and reports. For that reason we not only look at the qualifications our employees have, but also at their ability to work in a team so that each member of staff is doing a job that is right for them. And we have been successful. Over the years we have not only been proud of being able to offer an above-average level of service but also of being able to retain our employees for an above-average length of time.
We offer the following opportunities for training and professional development and look forward to receiving your application:
For more information about apprenticeships and study options please go to www.deine-zukunft-steuern.de and www.mehr-als-du-denkst.de.
It is important for us that our staff are able to combine work and family life. That is why we promote the services of the Stiftung Beruf und Familie im HanseBelt gGmbH, an organisation that provides professional childcare if planned childcare facilities are unavailable.